In this post I thought I'd show you some behind the scenes photos. I really like seeing things like this so hopefully if anyones looking at this blog you do to!
This is the part though I should say, Max was a nightmare to animate! I didn't know whether to to include this or not but thought I should incase someone is reading this and decides they want to make a character with a big head!
As I made the terrible error of not considering the connection of the neck to the head enough during post production. The head and neck was not secure enough which meant it kept moving during each frame. I felt that I was fighting more with getting the head in the right place during each movement than I was actually animating!
This then slowed me down a lot and was the key reason for me not finishing my film!
But I have to keep looking at this as a learning curve and a positive one, as I now know what I need to do for my 3rd year to get a good puppet aesthetically and also functionally!
But here's some behind the scenes stuff for you to look at :)
As you can see in the image below only the zombies head is on camera, this is because the head was a bit heavy for the wired neck to support. So instead of fighting with the puppet like I had been doing with Max I decide to animate the head and then animate the body afterwards! then comp them together on after affects in post production!
Max's photoshoot
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