Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Casting Blob: The Body

Last thing to do in the casting part, is casting the body!!
Ok I can do this! 
To start
I had to make casts of the tops of the legs and tops of the arms.
This was done to go into to the mould of the body, with the body's inner core, so when the cast of the body is removed I would have holes in the body, which are the perfect size for the legs and arms to fit in to!

If I did a terrible job at explaining that I have some photos underneath to illustrate this.

Miliput was used to create the cast of the top of the leg, the same was done on the arm. 
I applied vaseline within the mould before inserting the milliput to ensure once the milliput had dried, I could remove it again!
Body core with milliput plug things, underneath!

I then began the casting process of painting a layer of silicone in the mould. 
K+S was inseted to ensure a gap was made for a riggin point later.

Once this was set I then placed the armature in side
and poured in the silicone and clamped shut.

Below you may see the mould balancing on 2 bins, this is due to the long piece of K+S at the back of the mould, and placing this flat on the ground would send the armature flying out of the mould. 

It casted just how I wanted it, with belly button and all!

I then tried to do the seam lines however the silicone again began to tare, therefore I had to stop. I am not to worried about these though as the arms will be covering them.

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