For the next part of making my puppet, I needed to bulk him out.
I have decided to bulk my character out with balsa wood. The reason for this is that it it easy to cut and shape by sanding, and also it is extremely light!
I began by taking balsa scraps and glueing them together using epoxy glue, clamping them together to ensure they adhere to each other securely.
I have decided to bulk my character out with balsa wood. The reason for this is that it it easy to cut and shape by sanding, and also it is extremely light!
I began by taking balsa scraps and glueing them together using epoxy glue, clamping them together to ensure they adhere to each other securely.
Once this was done I then took my two halves, places my armature piece in the middle and epoxied this together.
The next step was for me to sand the balsa in to the correct shape, I began by using a dremel to remove big pieces and to get the basic shape quickly. I then moved on to sand paper to get the smooth shape I wanted.
A piece of advice I can give..... 'Do not sand balsa (especially with a dremel!) in a room where you sleep!.... or even where you live!
If you don't follow that rule. You will be coughing up sawdust for a good few days!
The idea of the hoover taped to the table only sprung to mind during the end, and even this didn't manage to suck in all of the shavings!
So please sand in a space that is provided for those sorts of things, if a space is not available then venture outside to sand, otherwise say hello to acting like this....
I then went in to uni to finish off the rest of the bulking out for his head.
As sawdust was filling my room at this point.
As you can see I have left space for the eyebrow paddles to be easily removed and be changed in the head core.
As sawdust was filling my room at this point.
As you can see I have left space for the eyebrow paddles to be easily removed and be changed in the head core.
After speaking to Martin (My lecturer) he agreed with me that if I did make the head out of silicone and the eyebrow paddles snapped, that would mean removing the silicone from the head and recasting it when the new paddles were put in. This would mean so much time spent on such a small problem! Therefore we decided to scrap this idea and for me to sculpt the head out of sculpey and to then have a plasticine eyebrow on top!
In the end my armature went to plan, and was how I wanted it, based on the armature sheet!
Minus the eyebrow paddles!
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