Monday, 21 December 2015

Rewind to First Year Work Experience

I thought I needed to share with you the lucky experience I had during my first year of University and also again in the summer. 

As you can probably guess by the image, it has something to do with 'Chuck Steel: Night of the Trampires'
 Well, your right!

I was luckily enough to have the opportunity to go on work experience with Animortal Studios for 3 weeks in the Easter term of 1st year, and also again for a week in the summer! There I had the experience of working in the art department and also puppet depart. I gained so much experience in a short period of time, soaking up every bit of information the amazingly talented people there had to offer!

So thank you to every one down in Animortal Studios for the opportunity!

Sunday, 20 December 2015

I've Made a Blog!

Hello internet people,
I have decided to create a blog documenting all things stop motion related that I do throughout my 2nd and 3rd year at Uni ...... and maybe further!

Exciting right? 

Well I think so :)

So now that my 1st year is finished and the summer behind me, I moved in to shiny, new halls and was all packed and prepared to begin my first day of second year!!

Basically like this! Although I don't see how a trumpet would help!